Youth Alive® assists churches to...
...mobilize students to reach other students!
...empower churches to connect with their local schools!
Youth Alive® simply believes that every student and every school matters!
Potential ways to get started:
- Evangelism
- Praying for a generation
- Students reaching students
- Students working together to reach more
- Churches connecting to serve
Our Mission
To Empower the local Church,
To Equip the local Youth Ministry,
To Encourage Community
To Elevate Christ
What We've Achieved
- School Assemblies in over 50 schools
- Connected church leaders with local schools
- Camp Speaker
- Ran our Multi-Media equipment for Pendleton High School graduation for over 10 years
- collaborated on 2 books that helps equip individuals to have God conversations with the lost. These books are God So Loved and I Dare You.
- Adult and Student Leadership Training
- Mentor Youth/Kids Pastors
- Assist students on campus outreach
- Build church networks in local communities for school outreach
- Regular speaker for all ages in churches and local community groups.