Our Schools Matter Free Resource

Our Schools Matter is a movement to get churches more involved on the most strategic mission field in the local communities.  Our School matters provides a free download resource which provides a step by step process to adopt the local school.  LETS GET STARTED. 

Ready to Start? Here’s How it Works

  1. Select the school(s) you desire to serve.
  2. Talk to your local school administration. 
    • - Set a meeting with your school administration. It is important you schedule a meeting first with your local school leaders before making any assumptions of what the school’s needs may be.
    • - Inquire as to what the school needs and communicate the church’s desire to support their work.
  3. Decide what you can do.
    • - Discuss with your church leadership about what your church can do. Any need can be made scale-able for any size church.
    • - Begin to create an action plan to respond to the need. Decide what will be needed (funds, supplies and people) and when.
    • - Re-connect with your Youth Alive missionary for additional ideas or resources to assist your action plan.
  4. Hold an Our Schools Matter Sunday and rally your church to serve the need of your local school(s).
  5. Launch students in the Youth Series to train and equip them to start conversations to share the gospel.
  6. Share your progress and your story, big or small. Use the hashtag #youthalive

With that said please visit Our School Matters website and download the resource today.  The next step is to contact Wes Sheley or your local youth alive missionary to help assist you and your church on an amazing journey to reaching the local schools.